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FAQ by Category
Data General


How long will it take until I get my data after the order?

If you use our web shop we have data packages usually ready in a couple of hours. If you have an individual request like certain area or data format, we need longer to process your request.

Where does the building data come from?

We collect our data from various sources world wide. These sources are all different, and this is why we align it and run data validation and merging processes to make it play nicely. You can see the list of our sources here: Sources

How good is the data?

It’s a tricky question. We have developed a large number of carefully crafted processing steps to make our data “good”. However, in general this question is essentially qualitative. For a high level overview, check out the statistics regarding our data quality here: Statistics

How old is the data?

This depends on the data source. We deliver a date attribute where we know the time of record.

What file formats are available? Do you have data in file format XYZ?

Our standard file format is GeoJSON but we have other formats available. Please contact us if you’re looking for something specific.

Can I use the data with QGIS?

No problem with that. The data is in OGC GeoJSON format and therefore ready to use in common GIS programs.

Can I use the data with ArcMap products?

Our data formats are OGC standard, so ArcMap can read them. Although, we recommend the interoperability toolbox to convert the data into a Esri File Geodatabase. We’re happy to take care of that step, just drop us a line if that’s what you need. Contact

Is the data ready to use for 3d software like Blender etc.?

We also offer data products which can be used in graphical 3d software. Just get in touch and let us know what software you want to use. Contact

What are map tiles and how do they work?

Map tiles is a concept to show data on a common web map. The system is explained here: Wikipedia/Tiled-web-map

Do you offer more than building data for your map tiles?

We currently have only a building layer available.


Where can I find my purchased data?

We’ll send you an email with a download link for your purchased data. If you didn't get this mail, please check your spam folder first. If you still don't find it get in touch.

How many buildings do you have in area xyz?

We have a lot of statistics available for each area in our database. You can check here to see whether your area of interest is available. Otherwise, you can just draw a rectangle on the map to discover details about your area of interest. Try it, it’s pretty fun.

What is the available level of detail (LOD) of your data?

Our data consist of various different LOD levels. We always offer you the best available quality. Quality and LOD level depend on area of interest.

Can I get building data only for my area of interest?

Sure, head to our data website and select your area of interest with the custom area selection tool in the bottom right.

What's the coverage of attribute xyz?

Our data consists of different sources around the world. Therefore, the amount of available attributes varies. We give you a nice overview of this information with our statistics tool. For a predefined area, you can find it here

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